Keyboard shortcut

Top 10 shortcuts for Windows 10

Once you get used to using keyboard shortcuts, it is something that we cannot stop using since it allows us to increase our productivity

Memo pad

Best Notepad Alternatives

Discover this selection of alternatives to the Windows notepad that we can use on our computer normally and download now.

PDF to Word

How to go from PDF to Word

Find out more about the options we have available to go from PDF to Word on our Windows computer without having to pay money.


What do CC and CCO mean

Find out more about what CC and BCC are, that we use regularly in our Gmail account and that we can learn more about it.


How to create filters in Gmail

Discover the steps to follow to be able to create filters in your Gmail account and thus avoid receiving certain messages in the account.

Tor Browser

What is TOR and what is it for?

TOR: What is it, what is it for and how to have it. Find out everything about this project and how to access it on your computer.


How to create a page on Facebook

Discover the steps to follow in order to create a Facebook page and in this way promote your business or your career as an artist.


How to make a photo weigh less

Discover the ways in which it is possible to make a photo weigh less on your computer, both online and with computer programs.