To Microsoft yet he has a lot of work ahead of him to improve Windows Phone, and the reality is that it has not done enough to offer enough support for this system. Instead he has focused on the desktop and the laptop and hybrid device segments of his repertoire.
But, Microsoft has finally stated that will soon have an interesting feature for the mobile version of your new Microsoft Edge browser: the. These are the same ones that we have missed in the desktop version so that we now know that the version for Windows Phone will have the relevant ones.
If there is something that stands out in other explorers such as Chrome or Firefox are the almost unlimited capacity offered by extensions to get more performance out of web browsers from which you can do all kinds of things.
Microsoft has finally said that the extensions will be available in the mobile version of Edge with the upcoming Windows 10 Anniversay Update expected sometime in the summer. Microsoft claims there will be a number of extensions available for launch, which may include AdBlock, OneNote Web Clipper, Microsoft Translator, and more. Developers will be able to launch new extensions to the Windows Store, but in any case we will have to see the compatibility and how many developers will be the ones who get to work on an extension for the mobile version of Edge.
Already at the Microsoft Build conference in 2015, the company admitted which would not be able to include extensions in Edge mobile at first due to the issues with performance and interface design, but it seems that they have finally been able to get around all those problems and we will see this feature as one of the most striking for Windows Phone.