Solutions for when your computer turns on but Windows 11 does not start

windows 11 does not start

On some occasions, we turn on our PC, but we cannot get Windows to start. The screen hangs black, with the icon loading going around, but without making any progress. What can we do? In this post we present some solutions for when your computer turns on, but Windows 11 does not start.

These types of situations are usually due to an internal Windows error. Of course, to find the solution you must first correctly identify the origin of the problem. The options are varied: hard drive errors, software problems, etc.

We leave outside the scope of this article the case in which Windows 11 does not start and there is no power signal either. When this happens, it is usually some type of power supply failure. That is, The system does not start because the computer is turned off. That simple

But many times there is no power failure and, despite everything, Windows doesn't want to boot. The user is left waiting in vain for the black screen to disappear, watching as the loading icon goes around and around without anything changing. That's where we need to try other solutions.

We must distinguish two types of cases: when Windows 11 does not start after an update or installation of a new program (in these cases we know where to start looking) or when there seems to be no apparent reason, which is somewhat more complicated.

Windows 11 does not start after an update or installation of a program

windows 11 does not start

It is one of the most frequent situations. The update was not executed correctly and, when it came time to restart the system, everything seemed to be stuck. Well, to remedy this situation, the quickest thing is to check that our PC complies with the minimum requirements of the version of Windows that we just updated and, if so, we try the restart again.

If this doesn't work, other methods will have to be tried.

Run a repair command

These are the steps to follow:

  1. First we force shutdown and reboot the system several times. In this way we can access mode Auto Repair.
  2. we select first Advanced Options & AFTER Solve problems.
  3. Next we go to Symbol of the system, where we have to enter the following command and press Enter: chkdsk c: / f / r

With this, the boot problem (if it was caused by an update error) should be solved.

Windows 11 Startup Repair

Another quite effective repair method that can help us in these cases is to execute the Windows 11 Startup Repair. This is what we should do:

  1. As before, we force shutdown by pressing the Power button several times until the PC in the Automatic Repair mode.
  2. Then we click Advanced Options.
  3. Then we will Problem solving and from there to Advanced.
  4. Finally, we select the option Startup repair and follow the instructions that appear on the screen.

Restore the system

The third possibility is a somewhat more drastic, although effective solution: Proceed to system restore. With this we will be able to return our PC to its initial state before the updates or installations that we have done (and that have caused the problem that Windows 11 does not start). This is what we have to do:

  1. Again we force shutdown and restart the system several times in order to be able to access mode Auto Repair.
  2. Then we select Advanced Options and then Solve problems.
  3. At this point we select the option Restore system.
  4. Now you have to choose the most recent restore point and click Next.
  5. To finish, we click on Finalize to apply the changes.

Black screen and Windows 11 does not start

windows 11 does not start

When Windows 11 doesn't start and all we see is a black screen with mouse cursor, the situation is a little more complicated. Furthermore, we do not have any clue that tells us where the origin of the error may be. There is no need to panic, because there are still some solutions that we can try:

Repair Windows with Recovery Disk

Of course, to start this method it is essential to have the Recovery Disk. Then, you have to do the following:

  1. We introduce the Windows installation disc and we restart the PC.
  2. In the options menu that appears, we choose Repair the equipment.
  3. Then on the screen Choose an optionWe chose Problem solving.
  4. From there we go to Advanced and finally to Startup repair.

Apart from this, it is also worth trying the methods explained in the previous section, especially the Windows 11 Startup Repair as well as the classic (although very useful) resource of restore the system. These systems can also help you get out of the uncomfortable situation that occurs when Windows 11 does not start.

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